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Seek my Face

Life is full of storms
                                1Cor. 10:13

This life is full of storms and how we go THROUGH them. As we often see after a bad storm there appears a beautiful rainbow. This is Yahweh's assurance to Noah that the world will never be destroyed by rain again. Our tears fall like down pours when we are being tested and/or our hearts are over filled with pain.  It is in the midst of these storms that we cry out to Father Yahweh for help. He will send a relief into our lives because the word of Yahweh tell us he will not allow us to be tested beyond a way out.  We must always remember it is in these storms that we find the Strength of Yahshua fighting our battle for us. Once we learn to get out of the way and stand still our Victory shines through, because we believed and trusted in our Father to take care of our every need.  There however are storms we bring into our own lives by trying to do things outside of the word of Yahweh. Those storms will rage and try to bring about warfare, the best we can do at times like these is to repent and began casting down anything that tries to exalt it self against the word of Yahweh. Remember the battle is not ours its Father Yahweh's. We must truly learn to let go of the evil that tries to take captives of our lives and live in the righteousness of our Father.

The Flesh vs The Spirit
                    Gal. 5:19-23

We have a hard time getting rid of fleshly things and desires, because we don't realize that they will follow us in the life to come.  Our desires in this life will be recorded and remember in the day we stand before Father Yahweh just as what we do in this life when we stand before the Judge in a court of Law.  We are sentenced according to our actions and desires we carried out, so will Father Yahweh. We must know what the benefits of serving our own desires will  profit us. Will it save and help us or hurt/destroy us.  The flesh represents doing whatever we choose to do, the spirit desires to do what Father Yahweh wants.  It is important that we are led by the spirit  so that our minds are on the Kingdom, the flesh is only on worldly things that are tangible to us right now. Our flesh is in constant battle with our spirit.  In the end who wins.  The flesh will only win damnation and the lake of fire.   The spirit will will always win your assurance  of eternal life and place in the Kingdom of Yahweh through the following of Yahshua our Messiah by being led by the Spirit of Father Yahweh.


Living A Victorious Life
1 Jhn 5:4
What To Teach Our Children
 Psalm 78:4

How do you know that you are living a victorious life? Simple, if you are reading this you have been given a new day of mercy. You defeated death, therefore you are still among the living and a new opportunity to say thank you to Father Yahweh.

It is  heartbreaking when one go through life talking about how bad things have been for them. It seem they find more solace in being a victim looking for sympathy because the path they have traveled was a bumpy road. It is not to be discounted that we all have had some hard times, some of us more than others but if we are here today  and no longer in those horrible situations then we are victorious. There are many who don't make it out. Then there are those who come out physically but mentally they are held as a prisoner.  When Father Yahweh deliver us from the hand of the evil one we must rejoice. We must celebrate with our lives, living in thanks giving to him. The word of Father Yahweh says to cast all our burdens unto him because he cares for us. Though there may be many scars both physical, mental and emotional he says to give them to him. Our Messiah Yahshua want to carry our loads, because they are too heavy for us. Your cries  were heard in the ears of Father Yahweh and you were seen by his very own eyes.  It was his very hands that reached way down and delivered you. It might have been a long and hard journey but you made it. It does not matter if you were sick, abandon, abused, sexually assaulted, addicted to drugs, alcohol,lonely, death of a love one  or numerous of situations you might have been in, Father Yahweh delivered you out.  You are running for your life, keep your eyes on the Holy Spirit that is leading you into the arms of the Savior. Only there are you safe. Yes Satan is still waiting on you to leave the protection of your Savior. When you allow yourself to continue in self pity you are not under protection you are exposed.  Self-pity is a disease and a killer. When you allow that to control your life you are living each day suicidal. Yahweh gives life in abundance. Satan takes lives and destroy them. So please lets choose which life we will live now that we have been delivered.

Victorious or Victim.

The Tongue

Yacob (Jam) 3:8

Father Yahweh is getting more and more fed up with our not teaching his children his laws. Parents are teaching their children how to keep their lives busy with worldly things such as sports, school, college or any pleasurable things.

Psm. 105 Your Law is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We need the law of Yah to direct our path. The world education is not the light that will led to eternal life.  When we don't teach the law of Yahweh to our children, we are sending them into eternal damnation. Being the CEO of a company is nothing when one does not have the righteousness of Father Yahweh directing their path.  We know that people can put you up on a pedestal, however the same ones will bring you down as soon as things are not going their way. This we see in sports all the time. If Father Yahweh exalt you, no one can bring you down. When we take Father Yahweh out of the equation of our lives and the lives of our children we have rejected him and taught the children to reject him as well.  Yah tells us in his word that when we reject him he will reject us.

Our children are dying in abundance yet parents are not taking heed to the word of Yahweh. They are becoming more and more distant from their parents. Our children are now living lives of wickedness because that is the environment they are in daily. The public and private schools are fast  becoming the most dangerous places on earth to send our children. Parents are no longer having real family time with their children where conversation take place, so that they can discuss what's going on in their lives. They are given today's electronics as their best friends. They now communicate through and with a machine.  Love and respect has truly been lost.  When the laws of Father Yahweh is no  longer lived and  taught in our children lives,we give them permission to make up their own laws.

Is it enough to say that your child is a Lawyer, Doctor, Public Figure of any professional aspect? Yes it is to the worldly  mind.  In the ears and eyes of Father Yahweh it is not.  Pride is living the life Father Yahweh has already prepared for us and our children. That life has benefits that the world can not take from them, the Kingdom of Yahweh and Eternal Life.  Parents must take back their responsibility to their children making the love of Father Yahweh first in their lives, everything else is secondary.

How can we say if we had 10,000 tongues, it would not be enough to  praise Father Yahweh  when we don't use the one we already have to praise him?

The tongue is used daily to give life as well as take life. It has the ability to do this both physically and spirituality. There is only one sole owner that has control over this little member. We are the owners of our own tongue.  We will always be held responsible for what is spoken with our tongue.

No matter how much we go to the doctor, they can't heal this  infectiousness member of our body. It is killing us by defilement.

There is much talk about should we or not eat meat, but if we are honest with ourselves the most hurtful piece  of meat is already in our mouth, our tongue. The scripture tell us that it is not what enters our mouth but what comes out of our mouth.  What comes out is what is in the heart. Mat. 15:18

 As much as one can say "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you". the damage is done. Especially when one set out to be malicious.

The scriptures also say creatures can be tamed but not the tongue, it doesn't  defend it hurt, it can't be tamed.

We truly need to ask Father Yahweh to destroy  this venom out of our mouth because it is murderous and deadly. Gossip and untrue accusations  are the worst  venom spewed out by this unruly tongue.  Is. 59:1-4

Sickness dwell in the spirit of the tongue. If we allow Yahshua to heal and take control of the tongue we no longer will have to spend thousand of dollars trying to get healed. There is healing right there in our mouths if we speak it out. If we use these member to give genuine praise to Father Yahweh and obey his commands by keeping his laws, status, and judgments, we will find healing. His word. We need to start to call upon the name of Father Yahweh and his son Yahshua, to save us from our own destruction.  Our minds need a transformation and our hearts need a transplant from the old to new living and loving ones.


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